*1. Junie B. Jones
2. The Ramona Books by Beverly Cleary
*3. Bad Kitty series
4. Boxcar Children
5. Flat Stanley
6. Geronimo Stilton. We just borrowed a bunch of these from the library and they are a hit in our house!
7. The Littles. (Ah, nostalgia. I loved the Littles.)
*8. Beast Quest series
9. Arthur's chapter books by Mark Brown
10. Dick King Smith's animal books: Babe the Pig, etc.
11. Jigsaw Jones
12. Choose Your Own Adventure . . . until the reader figures out that you always either a) get the treasure, b) die, or c) disappear forever
13. Encyclopedia Brown
14. the old Hardy Boys
15. Cam Jansam's books
So we'll start there. That should take him to say, 4th of July. I hope.
We love Percy Jackson around here. The Last Olympian series is great for around 2nd or 3rd grade I'd think (they are more comsistently for kids than Harry Potter, which gets more adult with each book). Katia just finished 39 Clues, and those are fun, plus there are 10 in the series, and a follow-on series. But after Magic Tree House, Boxcar Children and many of the books you listed were next. And Roald Dahl -- I think Katia first read Charlie and the Chocolate Factpry at the end of first grade.
Thanks for the lists! I'm always looking for recommendations for my first grader. To add to the list, she also liked the Ralph Mouse series by Beverly Cleary, Gulliver's Travels, Pippi Longstocking and Charlotte's Web. I just bought her the complete set of Little House on the Prairie so we'll see what she thinks of those.
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