Friday, March 2, 2012

8th grade essay grading

Occasionally my old school district, where I used to work pre-mom, will hire me to grade essays. This week I have been wrestling with a batch of 8th grade expository essays. It has been delightful! It's good to flex the mental muscles that I once trained to do this sort of work and good to interact with my former colleagues at my school. And I am reminded why I liked teaching junior high---these kids are funny and clever! I have entertained Eric with passages that are just too good to be kept to myself. Wish I could share them here . . .

So I told my sister that I've been grading 8th grade expository essays this week and she said, "You realize you are describing my own personal version of hell---having to grade 8th grade essays."

I laughed. And told her that sadly, I'm actually good at it.

We all have quirky talents to contribute. Of this I am sure.

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