Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Roosevelts on PBS

Anyone else watch The Roosevelts on PBS last week? I liked the scope of all the years in perspective.

Wouldn't that be a fabulous way to teach historical setting, Katy, to do a family history "Where Were Your Family Members?" timeline spanning fifty years/and wars or so.

I'm sure you already thought of that, Katy. Don't mind me; I'm just clueing in.

1 comment:

katy said...

I've only read reviews - haven't watched the series on the Roosevelts yet. But I was just thinking this morning about the need to find a way to fit family history into my classes again -- it often gets left out for the sake of time or simplicity, but some of the best work I've seen from students is when they get the chance to research their own ancestors and find a personal connection to major world events.