Saturday, February 23, 2013

Yes, Betsy, Louise Plummer does have a blog!

I could have commented to Betsy individually, or just emailed her, or called her, or seen her at park day. But I've been meaning to talk about Louise's blog anyway, so it's a great chance to rejoice with Betsy. Louise Plummer does have a blog! And the link is right down there on the left.

Here's why I wanted to bring up Louise and her blog. First, because she's funny. And she writes well. Two reasons to read her blog in their own right, but she's doing something I wanted to point out.

Louise is writing her memoir. On her blog. So every day (or so, no pressure Louise, not that Louise reads this blog, it's just that if she happens to pop by I don't want her to think that there's a timetable here or expectation, or that there's this random woman checking her watch saying "Tick, tick, Louise, where's your daily post?".) . . . where was I? . . . Oh . . . every day or so Louise posts a picture on her blog and then writes her memories about it.

A very manageable way to write a memoir, really just a fancy name for personal history. But personal history sounds more clinical, like it's a place where one must go and confess all medical history, while memoir is much more warm and fuzzy and really, no one cares what your LDL cholesterol was last time you checked anyway.

It reminds me of this other blog I know, by my friend Katy. But Katy's blog is completely private and no one has seen it. Not even me.

So if you wanted to be a cross between Louise and Katy, you could make your own blog, keep it to yourself, and then write a daily memory. If I ever teach a writing class, I'll advise my students to do that. And then if you wanted to make that blog public for just a sliver of time, you could blog to book it and TADA! there would be your personal history. And in all those church lessons about the importance of writing your personal history, you could think of your secret blog and your memories and you could be smug while everyone was thinking, "I need to write that", you could think, "I write that! But I will never let anyone see it!"

Or you could just go read Louise's blog and see what she's doing and it's great.

But, alas, you won't be able to read Katy's blog. Which is OK. And if you don't know Katy, you should find someone like Katy because my experience is that every woman needs a good dose of Katy in their lives every now and then.

1 comment:

katy said...

Deborah, I love this! How sad is it that you reminded me I haven't posted to my blog in over a year? That might be the real reason it isn't public. I don't need that kind of pressure.

And I LOVE Louise Plummer and her blog. By the way, have you read her husband's essays on marriage and family? Equally entertaining.