Monday, September 21, 2009

Comfort Food

Someone should do a study about the correlation between food cravings and literature cravings.* They should use pregnant women: what are the women craving---Spicy? Bland? Familiar? Exotic?---and see if there is a literature/food connection. Because there is with me. All I want is comfort food in both areas.

Here's what I've been craving (or able to stomach): Greek avgolemono soup, potato chips, and chocolate ice cream.

Here's what I've been reading: Guernsey, The Red Tent (avoid that one if you are hypersensitive to content), Ender's Game, most of Xenocide, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and snatches of both Jane Eyre and The Tao of Pooh. I'm sure if my nausea continues that I'd move right to Daddy Long Legs, The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, and through the Anne of Green Gables series.

See? Comfort food, all.

But I'm feeling better, I think, at least for today, so I have some other ideas. At least four books come to mind.

So moving on to new books. . . anyone have any suggestions for my list?

*Maybe no one else gets literature cravings. Maybe no one else wakes up and thinks, "What I really need is a good dose of Valentine Wiggin" or "I think I need a shot of Robert Frost poetry---perfect!" That's OK. You can settle for just having chocolate ice cream cravings. That's probably more normal.


Anjanette said...

...i don't crave literature.
but lately I have been eating far too many candy corn candies.
blahhh (& yet I still eat them).
Not craving- just quick sugar as I try to get my baby to sleep

bjarnason family said...

Here's a book for your review. I don't know about all the literary views on what makes a good book (which is why I majored in math...) but I picked this book up at the library by chance read the back cover about a boy with special needs and his father and thought I would give it a try. I loved this book! I was laughing one minute and crying the next with joy. The book is called "Summer of Light: a novel" by W. Dale Cramer.

Sea Star said...

This post inspired me to finally read Ender's Game. I have had it on my shelf for over a year and kept thinking I should read it. When I saw that you considered it comfort reading then I knew I would have to read it.

I just finished it today. It was great. I am still thinking about it. Definitely worth the read and maybe even another soon.

I think I have read most of the other books you listed too. The Red Tent is one that I started but never finished.

Keep up the good book recommendations!