Since I discovered Mireille Guiliano and her French Women book series, I've been inspired by the way French women see food, life, etc. No surprise that I enjoyed parenting books about the French way of parenting. Here are some I recommend:
1. Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Druckerman. Pamela Druckerman is an American who has a baby in France, and absorbs French parenting culture. The book is good, it's a fun read. I like Druckerman's writing.
2. French Kids Eat Everything: How our Family Moved to France, Cured Picky Eating, Banned Snaking, and Discovered 10 Simple Rules for Raising Happy, Healthy Eaters by Karen Le Billon. I read this when my kids were younger, and it helped me develop some good mommy food management skills.
3. French Twist: An American Mom's Experiment in Parisian Parenting by Catherine Crawford. I think the subject matter is interesting and that Crawford's observations are insightful. I just didn't jive with her writing, so this is last on the list. But it might work for someone else, so if the topic interests you, try this one.
I don't agree with everything that's stereotypically "French parenting"but there are some things I definitely agree with---exposing kids to new foods, taking a more relaxed approach/letting kids grow in independence, etc. So when I had young kids, this was a fun reading binge to figure out what was important to me and what wasn't. Bonne chance!
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