Saturday, January 31, 2015

This is the first in my series called, "This Woman Has Got it Right"

I'm starting my own series, here in this blog called, "This Woman Has Got it Right".

Sort of my own Pinterest of well written things.

Oh, how I would love it if these were books and critical theory. But usually what I have time to read every day is a blog post. Yep, that's what I have time for. A blog post.

But some are good posts, and worth sharing.

Here's the first in the series in which Allyson Reynolds, who writes mostly about motherhood, writes about why she's not guilting herself or her kids over the chaos that comes from family living:

Here's my favorite part (and I quote directly):

"Does it bug me when the house is a mess? Absolutely. But do I expect myself and my kids to spontaneously clean up after every single mess like good disciplined soldiers to the exclusion of everything else? No way. And I refuse to let that expectation destroy my peace or my relationships with them any longer. There is so much more to life than a clean home."

I've highlighted my favorite line. Because our house, too, gets cluttery and crazy and there are piles everywhere of laundry and dishes and toys and school projects, etc. all over the house.

I like that Allyson points out that it's her reaction to the mess that makes the difference: she can react in ways that would destroy her own peace and tear at her relationships with her kids. Or she can choose another way.

As a mom, it's me who makes the call: I can be RIGHT and indignant that "This place is a mess" and throw a fit and say mean things or I can be kind in the way I react---kind to myself and kind to my kids. It's a mess. It happens.

What I'm realizing is that it's more important to me, especially in the case of my mess makin' kids, that I'm kind rather than right. My kids will not care if I am right, but they will long remember whether or not I have been kind.

Allyson Reynolds, this woman has got it right.

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