I was reading another (great) book when my friend Mariann recommended The Fault in Our Stars by John Green about a girl with terminal cancer who falls in love. There's some language, there's lots of sass.
I read the first few pages and I was hooked. Line and sinker.
Jillaire and Mel, have you read this one yet? Put it on your list.
The back cover says The Fault in Our Stars in "Insightful, Bold, Irreverent, and Raw", and yes it is.
The back cover also says, "This is a book that breaks your heart---not by wearing it down, but by making it bigger and bigger until it bursts" which sounds so cliche that I didn't think it was possible. But it is and it was.
And that's my recommendation for TFIOS: It lives up to all the hipe-y, sappy, you'll-think-this-is-great blurbs on the back cover and front flap.
Hard to do, but it does.
Recommended by me? Oh yes.
Quinn and I both read it and really liked it, but I also felt like I wasn't quite angsty enough for the full experience. If I were a teenager I would have been head over heels, but as an adult I'm a bit too staid for all the romance.
It's already on my to-read list, but I haven't gotten there yet. Maybe I'll bump it up. So many books! So little time!
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