Monday, September 30, 2013

Maternity Leave Over

Does anyone see these gaps and think, "Oh, Deborah must be pregnant again"? Like Meg in Sheridan, my one fan :), do you get suspicious about that?

Because the same thing happens in my journal. I went to write in it and found the last entry was mid-May, which would have been about week six. Now it's early October, about week 26. 20 weeks out of commission, first trimester to third, that's about right.

Oh yes, I am expecting again. A boy this time, in January.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

I'll write more about the pregnancy in another post, but sufficieth to say: We are excited and I am large with child. All I want to do is just sit, sit, sit. And read, preferably, because my mind isn't blurry anymore from fatigue or morning sickness.

I'm starting with the complete works of Madeline L'Engle, for no particular reason. All that I can find. Anyone want to join me?

Anyone have any other suggestions? Putting my feet up (and reading) is, actually, exactly what the doctor orders as it turns out.



Laura Oler said...

Congratulations! I hope all is well. I am also sick from week 6 to 26 when pregnant. Luckily, i've blocked all those memories out. :) i'm glad you're through the tough part. I'm currently reading The Shoemaker's Wife. i like it so far.

Meg said...

I did notice you've been gone for a while. :) I understand, the same thing happens to my blog when I'm pregnant.