Have you seen this?
PBS has full episodes and you (OK, me, really it's me) can watch to your (my) heart's content or until your (my) eyeballs glaze over.
I just finished all the full episodes they have of Call the Midwife, which I adored. But warning: It's about midwives. Who help women give birth. There are bodies involved. It's birth, which isn't always pretty.
Sidenote: I always laugh really hard at Hollywood's take on birth, where the woman in labor has her hair perfect, her make-up on, and she's having these "When we first fell in love" reminiscing moments with her husband, who is there, calm and unflustered. When is the woman doing these? In between contractions? Oh, when her body is splitting itself in half and is just about to push out a bowling ball?
Well, that's always the time I personally get sentimental myself, so I completely understand.
Anyway. Call the Midwife. I'd say . . . check it out.
My sister-in-law just told me about this show yesterday and I've already watched several episodes. I should have known you'd be on top of this as well!
The book is amazing. Have you reviewed it here yet? I'll have to go back and check.
I haven't reviewed it yet. Great! A book recommendation! I love it!
Add "Wonder" by RJ Palacio to your to-read list. Carden and I fought over our copy.
I have to warn you. There's a chapter about prostitution (and pretty graphic descriptions of a brothel) that I had a hard time with. It's raw like the most recent Les Mis is raw but with more descriptors.
You should read all three Call the Midwife books. They were not all originally titled Call the Midwife and I can't think off the top of my head what the rest of the titles are, but I think the change was made because of the association with the PBS show. They are quite fascinating, except the chapter in book 1 you've already been warned about which is horribly disturbing.
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