Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother Hubbard Summer Book List 2012

The idea cupboard is bare.

Throw me a bone.


Laura Oler said...

Just finished Unbroken. It's a good read; although maybe not a summer read. It's pretty heavy. Also read the entire Kane series (starting with Red Pyramid). I think Rick Riordan is a great children's writer -- funny and fun. Something for your boys in a few years. My guess is you've read most of the stuff I've read. My mom suggested The Graveyard Book. It's a Newberry winner. I'll be interested to read your list!

Mae said...

Well, if you're up for developing an appreciation for adventure and nature try an autobiography by Bear Grylls called "Mud, Sweat, and Tears". Bear was the TV host of "Man vs. Wild". I wasn't initially a fan, but my kids got me into it. They love Bear. It's also helpful that he's the Chief Scout over millions of scouts throughout the world, and he has rekindled my kids' interest in Scouting.

Mae said...
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Meg said...

I don't know how much of a chance there is of me suggesting a book you've never read, but I just read a good one recently. It is called "The Family Nobody Wanted" by Helen Doss. It is a true story of their struggle to adopt children. I really enjoyed it.

That's the only thing I've read recently that I didn't find here first. :)