Well, I'm flattered. So nice to have you coming by! I'll see what else I can find for you, then. I'm in a bit of a book lull---no reason really, just one of those ho-hum, what I'm reading really isn't worth recommending. But I'm sure to get to something good soon.
Yeah! Michelle in Colorado! Identified!
1 comment:
I love all your recommendations, both for me and my daughter. I stop by occasionally to see what you have recommended and you have never disappointed me!
I remember a few years ago Stacey Syphus sent me to your family blog for some reason and you had come up with a fairly extensive list of "must read" books for a second or third grade girl (my memory is fuzzy, but around that age range). Now my own daughter is at that same reading level and I was wondering if you remembered the list and if you would mind posting it on this blog. Or maybe it's here and I just can't find it! While I'm the topic of your blog I figured I could toss out one indulgent request. :) It is entirely possible such a list never existed anywhere other than in my mind, but I really think I read it on your blog. If you do happen to remember such a list I'd love to see it again! (I have also enjoyed all the recent comments from you and your friends/family about books they recommend for a similar level.)
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