Monday, December 5, 2011

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly

Have you read this one yet?

I checked it out of the library and then bought myself a copy so that I can read it again and loan it out. This is a keeper.

This is one of those delightful books that's labeled "adolescent literature" so it's sold for less on Yet, in reality, it has universal appeal. Story is pretty canned: coming of age. Early 1900's. Girl trying to figure herself out as she grows up. Becomes great friends with her grandpa. They both like plants and bugs and other things considered unfeminine. It's a story that's been told a hundred times in a hundred different ways.

And this retelling is a gem. The writing is great. It is FUNNY! I treasure books that make me laugh out loud, and this one did. The characters are worth knowing.

It's a great read on its own. It would be a great book club read, especially if you are looking for something to do in a church book club and you need something clean.

It goes right along with Limberlost, which is where I'll put it on my shelves.

Sarah, this would fun for Sophie, Amy and Liz put this on your list for Millie and Ella for eventually.

And enjoy.

P.S. Does anyone have my copy of Ladies Auxiliary? Or Garlic and Sapphires? I let them swim out on loan into the big wide reader ocean and I can't remember where they are. If you have them, tell them to swim home.

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