My sister Anjanette and I love the part in Sleepless where the girl writes the note and uses "MFEO": Made For Each Other. So, in honor, here are some things that I think are WTM in my mom life: Worth the money.

Frog potty. How we love frog potty! Frog potty is funny, so my potty training son likes to use it. Frog potty is two pieces---lift that blue bowl out and rinse rinse. Not like the last potty we had that had a ring and this other piece and this other piece and this other piece and it was always filthy because it was hard to clean. Enter frog potty. TADA!

Shoes my children can get on by themselves. I spent too much of Son One's life trying to get his shoes on him. But I have learned. Only buy shoes they can put on themselves.

Rain boots. This is the first year I bought rain boots---heretofore I just let the kids splash around in their shoes. No, no, no. There is a better way. Boots, oh yeah.

A bagel slicer. This would fall under "useless gadget" for many. But since I have a bagel slicer, I don't cut open my hand trying to cut up bagels in the few times a year that we actually have bagels. Saves me an Emergency Room bill. Sits up flat next to the cupboard wall. It's works like a bagel guillotine, but gives you two perfectly sliced halves. I've heard of a pineapple slicer, anyone tried that? Anyone have one?
The other thing that's worth the money is a good babysitter. We pay ours really well and hope that she'll come back. But a good babysitter isn't WTM; a good babysitter is WWWTHM---way, way worth the money.
1 comment:
Mixed verdict on the pineapple slicer. Cool factor, yes. Neatness factor, no. You lose a LOT of juice because it mashes the pineapple during the coring and spiral-slicing process. And if a pineapple isn't juicy, what's the point? But the "pineapple boat" shell you're left with is pretty nifty.
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