Just stuff.
I have all these writing ideas, and I need someplace to put them. Seems like this blog is as good a place as any. For example, I've had this confessions trailing around in my head for ages:
I enjoy buying my five-year-old son new legos. It makes me feel good to nurture his spatial development. But I also enjoy vacuuming the legos up on days when I'm sick of picking them up or stepping on them. It's the GRRR! CRUNCH! sound they make in the vacuum cleaner that I find especially cathartic.
See? I just needed a place to write about that.
There might be more of those random things coming. Get ready.
That's hillarious! And also the reason our poly pockets dolls have no shoes and not many clothes. (That and the fact that I don't enjoy buying them.) All that stuff about boys having better toys is absolutely true. Luckily my girls like legos, trains, etc.
Yep! Sometimes I purposely don't point them out to the boys as they're cleaning just ahead of the vacuum. And then I think, "you're crazy. Legos ain't cheap, and you're thrilled about vacuuming them!"
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