I fell upon your blog and I just had to say hello.
To much to go into, but I wanted you to know that you were my role model pretty much during my whole youth. I always thought what would deborah do, and I know that is because even at a young age I saw someone who embodied our Savior. So thank you tons.
I have been thinking about you a lot, probably because I just got done being YW pres constantly hoping I could find a deborah for them to emulate.
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Deborah Bjarnason!!! This is Larissa Stockhoff.
I fell upon your blog and I just had to say hello.
To much to go into, but I wanted you to know that you were my role model pretty much during my whole youth. I always thought what would deborah do, and I know that is because even at a young age I saw someone who embodied our Savior. So thank you tons.
I have been thinking about you a lot, probably because I just got done being YW pres constantly hoping I could find a deborah for them to emulate.
Okay done with sappyville.
It was good to find you :)
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