Saturday, March 15, 2014

Alexandria with Bettany Hughes

The baby is now two months old.

Here's what I do during the day: sit and feed the baby.

Here's what I do during the night: sit and feed the baby.

Makes Netflix Instant Queue really appealing. And there's only so many episodes of "What not To Wear" and "Yes to the Dress, Bridesmaids" that I can take.

So I decided to ping off the documentary list and watched Alexandria with Bettany Hughes, which chronicles the history of the great city Alexandria. Which I knew nothing about.

But 48 minutes interesting minutes later, I was entertained and educated about Alexandria and the influential female mathematician, Hypatia, who lived there.

If you have the slightly, littlest, most minuscule amount of interest in Alexandrea, Alexander the Great, Hypatia, or this time period, this is worth watching.

Would be great in a history class, home or public.

1 comment:

Jillaire said...

I'm getting into "Switched at Birth" on Netflix. It's got a Deaf character, which really appeals to me since I studied sign language for years.

I also heard that the documentary on the Kon-Tiki expedition is good.