Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mariann, Guess What Happened. Harry Potter.

I knew today would come eventually. The books were sitting there on the shelf, just waiting for my oldest son to grow up.

But today is the day. His buddy Sam has been reading them, devouring them, and begged his mom (my friend) to loan my son the books.

His mom assured him that, really, Deborah probably owns the whole set.

So . . . .

After some discussion from me about scary parts and It's-OK-to-Skip-the-Battles, I handed my oldest child the first book in the Harry Potter series.

I've been trying to put a name on these feelings I've been having.

I can only imagine this is what it will be like to discover that my teenage son has been kissing girls. "Is he old enough for this?" I'll wonder. "Guess so. Here we go."

After this, Kid, life will never be the same.

First Harry Potter, then LOTR. I can see it coming . . .

Ah, my baby is growing up.

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