Friday, April 20, 2012

Hey Michelle, hope I can find that list for you. Check the May 2008 posts---I was transferring all my book posts from the family blog onto this blog because Kristen C said she wanted all the book stuff in one place and I thought that was a good idea. There's a Age 10-14, especially for girls, and one especially for boys. Is that "the list"? If not, I'll keep looking. I just looked at the list and it seems rather small actually, but maybe it was grander when I posted it.

And then we also had a bunch of people chime in when I was looking for my friend Amy's 1st grader in Dec. 2010. Might be a little young, depending on where your daughter is, but there might be something there for you. But that was post-family blog posting, so that might not be it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Deborah. You are right, it was the 10-12 year old list I was thinking of when I last wrote. There were some great ideas on the list, some she can read now and some that will be best in a year or two when she is a little more mature. I really consider these lists that you make and your friends augment as a gold mine! I've come back many times as we are looking for new reading material. Hope you, Eric and the kids are doing well. Happy summer!