Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Arranged. It's a Movie. And I liked it.

I saw a great movie about the fictional friendship between a Muslim woman and an Orthodox Jewish woman. It's called Arranged, and you can check it out here.

I will pay this movie two high compliments.

1. You could show this at a Young Woman church event and not be scandalized. It's educational, interesting, and uplifting. You could even have an interesting discussion afterwards. About real issues, imagine. Issues such as modesty, agency, conservative living in a liberal world, questioning ones' faith and finding faith is what you really want, peer pressure, choosing a spouse, different religious cultures, etc.

2. I read a critique that a New York Times film critic did of this film and I disagreed with just about everything he said. The writer did not "get" the movie. I think you have to have some experience with trying to follow a religion's tenants to understand.

So I liked it. I'd watch it again. It's not jazzy like Tangled and there's zero action. So don't go into it expecting snaz. But still. Worth watching.

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