Monday, May 23, 2011

What was that? Flying clothes?

I was in the mood for some good historical fiction. True to the times, insightful about the conflict, solid research on dress of the age, interesting characters, and good acting. I put the Civil War North and South on our queue and hoped for the best.

Boy, that was a mistake. There were just too many clothes flying off of people. Not squeaky clean for my taste, that's for sure.

So I'm going to try for something else. And hope my next copies of Lark Rise to Candleford, Season Three get here soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sound and Fury, Hobart Shakespearians

I loved the list of documentary recommendations from the last few posts! We watched Sound and Fury, a documentary about cochlear implants and we really liked it. Very well done. I thought the producers did a great job portraying how complex this issue is and how emotional, especially to deaf people who value and treasure deaf culture. 9 out of 10. Universal appeal.

We also liked Hobart Shakespearians, about a teacher in LA who inspires his 5th grade classes on to greatness. While not as engrossing as Sound and Fury, still good, and a powerful example of the power of one teacher/one mentor/one educator.