Friday, December 26, 2008

Tale of Desperaux

Finally, I am back to reading. Finally! And I'm armed with lists from well-reading friends. The Tale of Desperaux was on my list from my sister Liz. Disclaimer: I heard about it long before the movie came out. 

So yesterday I breezed through The Tale of Desperaux. Not that it's light-weight reading, it's just that it was a pleasure and so the time flew.

This is my new "Can you recommend a good book?" pick. Good writing. Nice plot. Written so that children can understand it, but so that adults appreciate it. Heroes. Villians. Rats. Princesses. Brave servant girls. Unlikely heroes. Castles. Betrayal. Kings who cry. Fathers, mothers, daughters, friends. You'll like it. Worth the read. Worth the time.

Santa brought me a copy.

That Santa.

He's so clever.